once upon a time. . .

The definition of Left Field is to be outside the mainstream and to be unconventional and with this definition in mind, Left Field was born.

It all started when four friends came together on a holiday with the mindset of making a difference in the world to those who are not as lucky as you and I reading this. Struck by the widespread homelessness that surrounded their journey it became clear where their impact should be best felt.

Still unclear of how to bring about the change but inspired to create change to those who matter; the team spent most of the holiday brainstorming ideas. It was not until the last day that an idea was formed. Generate change through the purchase of apparel.

Because it's not enough to make a difference you have to #bethechange

In true Left Field spirit, we have decided to show you what Left Field mean to us by sharing a few words.

“LeftField is more than just the dream of running your own business. It means being able to support charities that raise awareness to a cause you are passionate about, and helping those in need. Mental health affects everyone and  if we can do our bit by being able to give back that is the most rewarding part.“ - Tiffany

“Poverty is all around us, all it takes is for us to open our eyes. Kids do not understand what being poor is and nor should they. The Smith Family is doing amazing work with these kids, so they do not feel the effects of poverty. All kids should be given the same opportunity to dream.“ - Ken




I want to make to a difference to this world, I have had an interesting journey so far & the journey has made the person today.

I wished I talked to someone a lot earlier about my mental health and looked for help. I know Left-Field can be that change or conversation starter that I never had. Batyr is looking to change that and let the world know it is okay to be not okay.

If Left-Field can make one life easier, I would be happy.” - Lim



Born in Victoria, Australia for all Australian’s.